December 13, 2011

The Huh? Show

We all have our secret language, those terms and sayings that only make sense to the people we hang out with. Over the years I've had a few, there are people that I can have entire conversations with using nothing but movie quotes, and they'll know exactly what I'm saying....

Since meeting my good friend Scotty Z in Las Vegas the word HUH has taken up its place among the higher levels of my favorite words. Much like the mother of all words, the F bomb, the versatility is immense. Huh? Huh! and Huh. all have different meanings. Change the inflection of your tone and that changes again.

Superman walks out of his phone booth and sees a half ape version of himself. Huh?

Come on, you know that one. You've seen it plenty of times before whenever anyone asked the hard questions....

Then of course there's the "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Huh?" I've been known to make these same faces in this same situation.... sometimes while I'm still in the bar... good man!

This would have fit more with the all important exclamation point. I think you can see some drool or maybe its a string hanging from the left corner of the freak on the rights mouth. The one on the left is just happy he got all the looks. HEY YOU GUYS!

My sister collects Barbie Dolls, and I always wondered why she never gets any of the Black Barbie dolls. Not anymore. I bet you didn't know she makes her own make up. That rainbow shit over her eyes was crushed out of her own front tooth. Hey good lookin... what up?!

Did I flush the toilet this morning? I know I took a big shit, remembered it wrapping around the bowl three times... and I'm pretty sure I washed my hands after, or at least they don't smell.... but did I flush....


Is that Amanda Peet? GOD, I love that stupid look on her face. Who says there isn't anything to smile about these days?

Well, I don't know if I'm going to.... handle it.... but if you needed another reason, this is why porn is the BEST! It can make anything fun, can't it?

Speaking of porn.... apparently she loves blow. HUH!

Am I the only one that sees that weird flap of skin between her fun bags? What is that? I'll tell you what it is, that's a perfect visualization of the pull of gravity when two celestial masses, two heavenly bodies, are moved apart from one another....

Society is finally finding ways to move ahead of the curve, address the biggest news stories of the day, and combine them to come up with creative solutions. Lady Gaga wants the bullying to stop. Priest and Football Coaches everywhere need little boys to rape..... do I hear WIN-WIN here or what?


Tell me why I'm so sure she has a bald head. Part of me thinks she looks like Venom here, lashing her tongue out like that. Part of me wishes she was coming to get me. Huh?

Yeah, I don't know either. 

Huh. I guess they don't float either. Don't get pissy with Spidey, he has to conduct experiments like this every once in a while, how else is he going to know how much time he has to save who and when in the future without testing for empirical data. Let's not forget, Peter Parker, after all, IS a scientist.

Huh? I'm not a doctor or anything... but isn't she grabbing the wrong spot? Exactly what is it that she's touching? I wonder if she's like that chick in Total Recall.... 3 tits.... "You make me wish I had tha-ree hands!"

She's pretty tiny though, I guess all three of her boobs are small.

I don't think there's anything at all that I can add to that.

Katy Perry. Huh. That there bright eyed Elmo looks surprised. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, don't they? There just may be something to that, huh?

BEHOLD! All Mighty Masters of the HUH!

Success is all about mastering communication, as Anthony Robbins says, the quality of your communication is the quality of your life. All I can say is that there's a reason these two fine, outstanding young men have made it all the way to Hollywood.

Huh huh, Huh huh... Huh huh....

If this is The Huh? Show then I guess that would make me DJ Meaningless, huh? I think I smell a new nickname coming on. Its fits well enough, certainly with this post, and pretty much most of everything else I talk about....

But if you want a lesson here you go... sometimes you have to just say to hell with it all and goof off.... its the best way to stay up.

And as long as we're going with meaningless affairs....

HUH! That could be some meaningless fun for a while. I'm sure that'll help keep me, uh... up.

Whatever. It would take a while for you to know all my Huhs, so there's no point to going on with any more of this. Have a good one, then spread the.... love.

Later People!

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