October 13, 2011

The BIG 5-o!

Sometimes you walk into a much needed special surprise, serendipity they call it. I walked into an open mic night and was greeted by an angelic voice. MAN can this girl sing. I'm going to have to find out who she is.

Today I bring you the 50th installment of our little project here. It doesn't seem like that many, or that I've been doing it for as long as I have now. I want to thank you for hanging with me and hope I've given you enough reason to continue to do so.

Strange things come up when
you google seach 50

I'm gearing up for the New York City Comicon and as things tend to go, the wheels are falling off of that for me already. Must be the theme for the week. I'm going to have to take my own advice and learn a lesson from my own lesson and chill out, take it as it goes.

And I've got to apologize, I'm distracted right now. Whoever this girl is her singing is resonating with my heartstrings and pulling me away from the page. If big things don't happen for her there's a hole in the universe.

.50 cal

It takes some real brass balls to get out there and play in front of people before you have a steady following. I mean, I bear my soul for whoever wants to read it, but its different. I'm still protected behind a glass screen shield and however many countless miles stretch between where I now sit and wherever you find yourself at this moment. Standing in front of everyone with nothing between you is really putting your nuts on the slab. The wrong reaction from the crowd has got to be like a knife to the heart. I give the people that do it all the credit in the world.

I must look like I'm completely insane most of the time when I write. While I'm lost in thought I often stare off into the distance, unconscious of the fact that I'm even doing it. Its occurred to me that there are times when my gaze falls on another person sitting close by. I wonder what goes through their head when it happens.
"Who is this stalker and why is he licking his lips at me?" That's the cleaned up version of course.

I haven't invested in any 5 gallon drums, I promise. You would think people would stop using them by now, they're just so unoriginal. And they always seem to get you caught.

What the hell are they doing with so many of them lying around anyway? Are they saving the pieces for later? Maybe there's good money in it. That's the tasty meat in your sandwich. I'll have the special please, rare, thanks!

Open mic night, a guy singing about needing an angel.... I hear ya buddy.

Raquel Welch, So hot!
She's not 50 here, but was
still how when she was

Hey, check out this little piece of animation, its really cool. Make sure to watch the whole thing.

And if that doesn't do it for you, maybe try out this awesome game. Just be careful playing it at work, you can lose an hour to it without even noticing it.

Not for nothing, but the people playing this open mic are really freakin (clean) good. I'm at Sip This, as I often am. If you've got nothing better to do stop by and say hello sometime. The freak staring at you is probably me, though I can't guarantee it.

Ingrid Michaelson

The girls name is Kira Metcalf by the way, and apparently she's only 16 years old. That just amazes the hell out of me, she reminds me of Ingrid Michaelson. You should check her out on facebook at Kirasingsforkicks. A lot of what I do here is all about everyone else if I really enjoy what they do, because if I like it I think you will too. Though I have to admit.... looking up 16 year old girls on facebook feels all kinds of wrong, no matter what the reason is.

This is my favorite Ingrid Michaelson pic
Reminds of a girl I used to know
and look at those eyes

Change of venue, change of thought. Its needed about now. Let's pick this up in a different locale and see how it goes.

I just got a high five from a mentally handicapped guy. I know some people that would have punched him dead in the face for approaching them that way. Tells you about some of the people I know.

He's a Ra Tard

Not you Fat Jesus. 

And how awesome is this next shot, Peyton Manning knuckle deep in his nostrils. He's digging for another Superbowl ring from the looks of it, cause it won't be happening on the field this year.

I'm taking the Colts in a Pick Em'!

You know, before you can start stuffing people in 55 gallon drums you have to know how to prepare the body. This next guy seems to be banging his way through the process, making a mess of things. But practice makes perfect, right?

Speaking of the Big 5-o.... damn... Barbie got OLD! She's looking like something out of a George Romero flik these days.

Alright, I can't stick with that as a way to go out here, so I'm going to go with something that's a little more me....

There we go. But enough of this screwing around. I've got to get some work done, and this just turned into a mess.

Tomorrow starts Comicon so I won't be around, but tune in next week for my report on that debacle. And in the meantime, and while I'm on the subject, check out the cast of the upcoming Man of Steel, it could be EPIC! And if you haven't seen the new Avengers trailor yet, watch it right here. Looks Sick!

But that's all for now.

Later People!

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