December 15, 2011

TAKE.... This broken wing....

This will be the last time that you hear from me before finally getting this cast removed from my left arm, and its about damn time!

Of course, now the real work begins.

Last night I was tracking the performance of what I do here and crossed the numbers on one of the articles.... it read 1701.... instantly one thing flashed across my mind...

And that's not the first time its happened, no, it happens every single time I see the numbers 1701, no matter where I see them, no matter the circumstance.

That's how powerful images are in our mind. That's the exact kind of association our brain makes with everything we encounter which dictates what we do in life. With this one in particular, its been trained into me for so long that the association is strong enough to occur every time.

Most of our wants and desires, most of how we think and act has been trained from our birth in this exact way, by our family, our friends, and especially..... from TV and Radio. We've all been collectively brainwashed to believe that this is the way life is now for generations....

Is it any wonder why us guys drool over women that look like this down below like Pavlov's dogs? Is it really any wonder why we put so much value on "things", rather than character? Or that, as an Occupy Wall Street protester told me... "Well.... we still want our things"?

Charity Hodges

That picture I grabbed of the Enterprise had a headline "Pentagon wants somebody to build Starship". Not only doesn't that surprise me, but I can't wait for it to happen. According to this article, we're going to be sending commercial flights to space by 2016 with the intent on eventually sending people to the international space station. There's every possibility that sometime in my life I'll be able to actually take a trip to the moon. How exciting is that?

The other day in London the Royal Family of Dubai was robbed at gunpoint, their Christmas money was stolen. That Christmas cash amounts to about 3 million bucks... must be nice, huh? 3 Million as your throw away cash for bits and bobs and spreading some holiday cheer. I wonder exactly how much holiday cheer that kind of capital finances, and I'm more than happy to take up the challenge of finding out if any of you feel the need to fund the operation. It would start like this....

The article cracked me up, not because they got robbed, but because of the getaway driver. When the police caught the guy he says to them, "Yes, OK, fair enough. Are you going to take me to the police station now because I'm a bit cold."

That right there pretty sums up every experience I've ever had with the English.

Speaking of every single experience I've ever had with a given group of people... this has been my experience with ever Frat Boy I've met, a Vermont U Frat asked members who they wanted to rape. Once you hit the real world you realize that other than partying, college is really all about the social networking, the connections that you make, the meeting of like minded people and helping each other "make it" later in life.

Can you imagine an entire organization of people that seriously entertain these kind of ideas? And they're out there. When I was at Oklahoma State a girl I was close with had to stop dating me... I wasn't part of one of the two frats that she was allowed to date guys from as a member of her sorority. That's no shit, real life stuff right there, actually happened.

These are the people that become career politicians. These are the people that run our country. Do you still wonder why things are such a mess out there?
As for who's running things, well, I still have my reservations as to exactly who that is, but President Obama thanked the troops and spoke about the official end to the war in Iraq..... yet 16,000 Americans are still going to be staying there.

Let's put that number into perspective here for a second, 4,400 soldiers were killed throughout the war, and we're going to be keeping 4 TIMES that amount of personnel stationed over there. 16,000 people is about what it takes to fill a major university. That's an entire college worth of people, a small city. That's not even counting the private, ahem, er... mercenaries... that will be there.

Putting our society into some clearer light again based on that.... 16,000 people can easily fit into Madison Square Garden. Three times as many people go to your average baseball game each night, five times that many people pack the average college football game every Sunday afternoon.

There will be more dirty hippies at a New Years Phish show than there will be running U.S. Operations in foreign affairs with a nation we we're just at war with and occupied for nearly a decade.

The idea today is to give you a bunch of things to think about. And you should really consider them, then get back to me.

While you put that into your pipe and smoke it, I'm going to get this arm thing taken care of. Until next time...

Later People!

Join my fanpage John LaSota - Writer
Or our creative team's page The Mad Doser Presents

And if you need a healthy helping hand from a Personal Performance Consultant

December 14, 2011

Small Victories and something to look forward to.

There are a lot of things running through my head right now.

The first is the success of this blog. It seems to be at the beginning stages of a lift off, which is great, and its reminded me of an important idea that most of us miss in going for our glory.

Success comes from a series of small steps and small victories, one thing at a time, one foot after the next.

We all think about the overnight success, but how many of those were just people that were overlooked for a long time until something happened that made everyone notice the work that they had been putting in for years all at the same time? Truth is, that's most of them, we just didn't or couldn't or wouldn't see them before.

That's at the beginning stages for me, which leaves me in a position where I have to change. Sometimes less is more, and you may be getting less of me with the idea of quality over quantity from here on out. A while back I spoke about not getting noticed for the wrong things in my piece 2011 NY Comicon - what NOT to do, and now the same goes for me. When the girl of your dreams finally sees you there you don't want to be drooling all over yourself, so you're only going to be getting something if I think its good enough to give you.

Then again, maybe the girl of your dreams is a drooler too. I have an uncle that used to be able to pick cards off the ground with his spit, no, seriously. He could drool down to the ground from a standing position, touch the card, then suck it all back up card and all.

If that's the kind of guy you are then this is the girl for you, so maybe getting caught out there like that is EXACTLY what you want. What do I know?

Is that really drool falling from her lips? It looks like something else. Come to think of it, there are probably some good things you can do with a hot girlfriend who enjoys this sort of thing.

And honestly, I'm looking like this guy up top lately, without the pleasant disposition, so maybe a drooler is just what I need....

But moving away from the slimed tangent that I slipped on....

The small victories that build up slowly and then seemingly explode into huge success, what my good buddy Walt speaks of often as the Art of Compounding, also have another much greater effect than a simple win that does so much more for every area of your life....

Its the small victories everyday that build confidence by constantly reinforcing the ideal that not only CAN you win, but that you WILL win, every day. You grow to expect it.

This is how belief systems are formed, good or bad. Your brain is constantly looking for reasons why the things you believe are true, examples that prove it. And it finds them every time. If you're winning every day, even in small amounts, it literally shakes the concept of failure right out of your mind. How can anyone believe that they're a loser if all they ever do is win? They can't.

Small wins every day make you believe that....

THAT'S RIGHT! Thank you Winston Churchill! You tell em'!

There's a second, equally important element on the other side of this too. If you're going to stay up and have the energy to keep going every single day, then you're going to need something to get you up in the morning. And then you're going to need things that keep your spirits light and free....

Small victories help with that, but we all need to have things we can't wait for, things to look forward too. Whether its something today, this week, this month, whathaveyou,  these are the things that make all the hard work worthwhile.

Show me someone without anything to look forward too and I'll show you someone who's lost hope.

It may only be a soak in the hot tub after a long day, but like a guy who's gotta piss so bad he feels like he's about to blow a gasket down there finally getting to drain it.... sometimes there's no better feeling in the world.

And its up to us to put ourselves in as many situations as you can where there's no better feeling in the world.

We look forward to things because we hope they will give us some of that feeling. You can never give yourself too much of that, but take it away and what have you really got?

Kylie Bisutti

For instance, I've been looking forward to putting this picture of Kylie Bisutti up for weeks now, and I don't have to tell you why.... And imagine what a charge you would get if you could look forward to coming home to that every night....

But if you don't believe it will happen, it never will. Even if you get the chance you'll wreck it. So its of the utmost importance that you choose the program your brain runs, what your subconscious tells you.

You do that by feeling like you're on top of the world and that you should be, because you deserve victory. You do that by giving yourself things to look forward to, and building a strong foundation of success upon small wins every day.

But that's all for now.

Later People!

Join my fanpage John LaSota - Writer
Or our creative team's page The Mad Doser Presents

And if you need a healthy helping hand from a Personal Performance Consultant

December 13, 2011

The Huh? Show

We all have our secret language, those terms and sayings that only make sense to the people we hang out with. Over the years I've had a few, there are people that I can have entire conversations with using nothing but movie quotes, and they'll know exactly what I'm saying....

Since meeting my good friend Scotty Z in Las Vegas the word HUH has taken up its place among the higher levels of my favorite words. Much like the mother of all words, the F bomb, the versatility is immense. Huh? Huh! and Huh. all have different meanings. Change the inflection of your tone and that changes again.

Superman walks out of his phone booth and sees a half ape version of himself. Huh?

Come on, you know that one. You've seen it plenty of times before whenever anyone asked the hard questions....

Then of course there's the "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Huh?" I've been known to make these same faces in this same situation.... sometimes while I'm still in the bar... good man!

This would have fit more with the all important exclamation point. I think you can see some drool or maybe its a string hanging from the left corner of the freak on the rights mouth. The one on the left is just happy he got all the looks. HEY YOU GUYS!

My sister collects Barbie Dolls, and I always wondered why she never gets any of the Black Barbie dolls. Not anymore. I bet you didn't know she makes her own make up. That rainbow shit over her eyes was crushed out of her own front tooth. Hey good lookin... what up?!

Did I flush the toilet this morning? I know I took a big shit, remembered it wrapping around the bowl three times... and I'm pretty sure I washed my hands after, or at least they don't smell.... but did I flush....


Is that Amanda Peet? GOD, I love that stupid look on her face. Who says there isn't anything to smile about these days?

Well, I don't know if I'm going to.... handle it.... but if you needed another reason, this is why porn is the BEST! It can make anything fun, can't it?

Speaking of porn.... apparently she loves blow. HUH!

Am I the only one that sees that weird flap of skin between her fun bags? What is that? I'll tell you what it is, that's a perfect visualization of the pull of gravity when two celestial masses, two heavenly bodies, are moved apart from one another....

Society is finally finding ways to move ahead of the curve, address the biggest news stories of the day, and combine them to come up with creative solutions. Lady Gaga wants the bullying to stop. Priest and Football Coaches everywhere need little boys to rape..... do I hear WIN-WIN here or what?


Tell me why I'm so sure she has a bald head. Part of me thinks she looks like Venom here, lashing her tongue out like that. Part of me wishes she was coming to get me. Huh?

Yeah, I don't know either. 

Huh. I guess they don't float either. Don't get pissy with Spidey, he has to conduct experiments like this every once in a while, how else is he going to know how much time he has to save who and when in the future without testing for empirical data. Let's not forget, Peter Parker, after all, IS a scientist.

Huh? I'm not a doctor or anything... but isn't she grabbing the wrong spot? Exactly what is it that she's touching? I wonder if she's like that chick in Total Recall.... 3 tits.... "You make me wish I had tha-ree hands!"

She's pretty tiny though, I guess all three of her boobs are small.

I don't think there's anything at all that I can add to that.

Katy Perry. Huh. That there bright eyed Elmo looks surprised. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, don't they? There just may be something to that, huh?

BEHOLD! All Mighty Masters of the HUH!

Success is all about mastering communication, as Anthony Robbins says, the quality of your communication is the quality of your life. All I can say is that there's a reason these two fine, outstanding young men have made it all the way to Hollywood.

Huh huh, Huh huh... Huh huh....

If this is The Huh? Show then I guess that would make me DJ Meaningless, huh? I think I smell a new nickname coming on. Its fits well enough, certainly with this post, and pretty much most of everything else I talk about....

But if you want a lesson here you go... sometimes you have to just say to hell with it all and goof off.... its the best way to stay up.

And as long as we're going with meaningless affairs....

HUH! That could be some meaningless fun for a while. I'm sure that'll help keep me, uh... up.

Whatever. It would take a while for you to know all my Huhs, so there's no point to going on with any more of this. Have a good one, then spread the.... love.

Later People!

Join my fanpage John LaSota - Writer
Or our creative team's page The Mad Doser Presents

And if you need a healthy helping hand from a Personal Performance Consultant

December 12, 2011

I can do all things....

By this time Friday the fiberglass tie that binds me should be off.... 4 more days.... I can't tell you how excited I am about that this week.

Last week I had finally gotten around to finishing two books that I'd been meaning to look at for some time now, the first being "Moneyball" by Michael Lewis, and the other "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale.

Both are good quick reads depending upon whether or not you're into the subject matter.

Moneyball ends oddly, but for the most part I think its been largely misinterpreted by the detractors of what it proposes. If we could all afford to just shell out whatever it takes to have anything we want then life would be easy for all of us, we wouldn't have to struggle for answers or look into better ways of doing things. But what do you do when you can only have enough assets to get ONE thing that we need, which one thing is the most important? What will get you the most bang for your buck?

There are a lot of us that have to make this distinction, this decision, every single day in all the many aspects in our lives, especially over these last few years.... especially in this depression.

Moneyball takes this same approach to spending money in the game of baseball. Being someone who has always had to look for that one thing that will get me the most bang for my buck, someone constantly looking for that magic formula to win at life, this book fascinated the hell out of me. And it helps I love baseball.

What do you think gives you the most bang for your buck? If you had to get rid of everything but one, what's the one thing you would hold onto? If there were just one thing that you had to find that would get you from where you are to where you want to be, what would that be? The answer to that is going to be different for everybody.

The Power of Positive Thinking probably would have been required reading years ago for anyone that wanted to break into that same field that I want to break into, but these days there are hundreds of books preaching the same things. The Secret being one.

There is one thing that kept sticking with me... the saying "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME". Peale was a Christian of course, so his viewpoint was skewed in that direction, and you could easily substitute Christ in that sentence for whatever it is in your life, your belief system, whether it be Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Grilled Cheesus, Crazy Larry or The Man.... but there's real power there.

I can do all things through Strippers who strengthen me!

And as if I needed another example of the power contained in these words, Tim Tebow worked his magic once again against the Chicago Bears, this one looking as much like divine intervention as anything I've ever seen. The Power of Christ compelled Marion Barber to completely blow it for his team..... TWICE!

That's a movie reference by the way. If you don't get it, you need to brush up on your classics. That right there is something that I'll touch on again sometime down the road.

Throw your arms out wide and say boldly "I'M THE MAN!" (or woman) and tell me it doesn't feel great!

It does.

Aside from the delusions of grandeur that have been rolling around my head since last week, and the very real vision of what these delusions will look like, these revelations finally made clear something that I've already long knew.
  • What we do in life, success/failure, and how we feel, confident/low self-esteem, is completely based on how we see the world.
  • How we see the world, glass is half empty/half full, is completely dictated by our subconscious mind
  • Our subconscious mind is being programmed every second by the people around us and the circumstances and events that teach us what we can or can not do.
  • This programming is what forms our belief systems, whether we believe that we're good or bad, whether we are winners or losers. Believe you're a winner and you'll find ways to win. Believe you're a loser and you'll find ways to lose.
  • Humans are social creatures, so we NEED to fit in with the crowd, yet everything we gain in life is based on perceived social values, so we are always trying to set ourselves ABOVE everyone else, and most people do that by telling others what they CAN'T do, by putting their competition down.
  • Most people are programmed to see what they CAN'T do, but successful people have programmed their mind to see how they always win.
  • Anyone can reprogram themselves to right thinking, but you have to unlearn what you have learned. There are very specific, easy ways to do this, but you have to do it constantly. Affirmations such as "I can do all things through Captain Kirk who strengthens me" or simply "I'm the Man!" can do that.

Keeley Hazell Desnuda

For a good while now I've been struggling with how simple it really is, afterall, there HAS to be more. It can't really be that easy, can it?

But it is. And I can show you how. Are you with me?

Later People!

Join my fanpage John LaSota - Writer
Or our creative team's page The Mad Doser Presents

And if you need a healthy helping hand from a Personal Performance Consultant