October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs, Men's Jobs, working men.... The Jobs Edition!

I wasn't going to post anything today, but with the passing of Steve Jobs and the hero worship that ensued I had to put my 2 cents in.

Everyone loves Steve Jobs, brilliant innovator, billionaire, changed the world.... denied his illegitimate daughter for years and made her live off of welfare while he made millions..... A Great Man.... A Real Man.....

You can't deny the impact that Jobs had, but what kind of a person puts their kids through that? Especially when they have more than the means to do otherwise. And are we really better off as a people because we can get on facebook and download movies from our phone, yet kids rarely play outside anymore and people don't even know their neighbors?

Is it our great accomplishments, or the money we make that shows our worth, or is it the character that we display? And everyone has the skeletons in their closet, we all make mistakes.... but claiming to be infertile in court so that you can continue to be a dead beat dad is pure scum. Yet everyone loves Steve Jobs.

It brings me right back to an article my buddy shared with me recently written by William J. Bennet titled Why Men are in Trouble about how it really is becoming a woman's world.

You have to read the article, please, because there are some very disturbing trends and statistics that it shows off here, which I won't rehash so you'll need to check it out, but none more disturbing than the claim from women "WHERE HAVE ALL THE REAL MEN GONE?"

It's a good topic, but its also a skewed perspective, and I'm the perfect example of that.

I enjoy video games, but don't play them often. I work my ass off in a lot of different areas, yet no matter what I do I can't catch a break. So I'm broke with a job I hate and live with my mother.

There are no jobs out there for men, and the few that are you either have to fight an entire city for just a few slots like the city jobs, and those very often go to minorities, and minority women at that, or you have to fight against illegal aliens who will do the job for half the pay without regard for safety.

And then, again with a guy like me, in high school my father wasn't around and I took care of the kids while my mother worked 3 jobs, so I never had a childhood to learn who I am. Then I moved out at 16 because my mother couldn't afford a place big enough, got kicked out of college because it was the first chance I had to be a kid, and have struggled between one dead end job after another ever since with the door slamming closed on me at every single turn.

I moved to Vegas with my girl for a chance at a better life and you know what happened there. So I came home to finish getting my degree, but now that I have it I can't get a job with that college degree, and can't get a job making enough to pay the bills. Companies now even use the poor economy as an excuse to slash salaries and take advantage of people... "You know, in this economy...." but the cost of living or rent isn't going down at all.

But if you ask a woman, I'm not a real man. The real man is the guy who's had everything given to him, so now at my same age he owns a house and his own business. Or a real man is the guy on the police or fire department that I scored 20 points higher than on the tests and am in better shape, but he got the job and I didn't. So he makes 100G a year now doing nothing.

You'd be amazed at how being a "real" man has to do with the money you bring home, the vacations you go on, the partying you do, but not anything to do with the quality of human being you are.

We live in a society where recording artists beat the hell out of their women, athletes rape girls in bathrooms, get drunk and run down and kill average people in their cars, Presidents kill their own people to go to war, and billionaires deny their children forcing them to live off of welfare... but these are "REAL MEN"

But the guy who breaks his ass working 2 jobs just to pay the bills, trying to do it the right way, but doesn't get the opportunities we all need is a loser.
The problem is exactly articles like this, because its exactly how people think. They never look at the root cause of a thing, only where it is in the here and now.
And then it's "oh, yes, you're right, people should look at you differently.", but it's always left for someone else to do it.

I've written two books that have been published, have a college degree, have taught children how to read, been a mentor through coaching football, and sacrificed much of my life for my family.... yet I'm not a man to most people....

And there are many, MANY men out there like me in similar situations. 
It doesn't matter how smart you are, or how cool, or how good you are at the things you do, or how good those things are. The cast of Jersey Shore is rich and famous and I'm a fuckin bum and a loser that lives with his mother.
Its a nice sentiment to think "its not if you won or lost but how you play the game" except its one of the oldest lies there is. Socially all that matters to people are results. And no matter how much or how hard or how good you work, without results you're shit. If you can't make THEIR lives better, you're shit.
Most people that read this will deny the truth of these words because that requires taking a good hard look at yourself and how you look at other people and why. But many of our problems in society are a direct result of how we treat each other, and how we respect each other, and our reasons for it. Until we change what we honor and respect we're going to continue going down the toilet.

I'm howling at the moon in my clown suit again, I know. But it had to be said.

"Hooray for Firemen, sons of bitches that they are every day of their lives, run into a fire and you're a hero." - Kurt Vonnegut.

And God love Steve Jobs.

But what the hell do I know. I don't contribute much to society.

Later People.

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