December 1, 2011

Conditions of Victory, what its really like out there for most, and more models!

In yesterday's piece I spoke about the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion show and posted a lot of photos of the more well known models that they had walking the runway in bras and panties. We tend to go crazy over these women, but there are so many more that make these productions go, whether they be up and coming or just fillers that don't quite have what it takes to get to that elite level.

Mregji Heinen

The more and more I look into these things the more I find a few people in the entertainment business, whatever the genre, actually break into this elite status, while the landscape is littered by the hangers-on. Most of you out there with those bigger dreams will fall squarely in some realm of the latter.

Toni Garrn

So if you want to actually do more than make a hobby of this, and for more than just a few years, you're going to have to find a niche in that world or a new angle that's unique to yourself in order to keep you in the game. The more I get into what it takes, the more I'm seeing that hero support, the people behind the scenes that allow these elite's to do their thing, has much more long term viability.

Lais Ribeiro

Every one of the photos I'm using in today's piece is also of women that appeared in the show the other night, every one of them beautiful, yet none of them have the names or reps that the stars do. Many of them I had to filter through, even drop some completely, because I just couldn't find shots of them sexy enough to use that weren't naked.

Anja Rubik

So here once again we run into another common theme, people that are successful enough to take part in a huge event in their field, yet still not known enough to be much more than a face, albeit a beautiful face, in the crowd. I personally know more than a dozen women who could fit this category and still have less of an internet presence than I do. In 5 years they'll be looking for a real job, brought back into the real world just like the rest of us, no matter how much they're living the high life right now.

 Anne Vyalitsyna

Again, beauty only gets you so far, opens the door, but there has to be something more there. That picture up top is smoking, and its no different than a thousand others I've seen. If you know any ladies wanting to break out, or break in, to the modelling/acting/music industry, or if you are one yourself, you need to make sure you're very clear on one thing, especially the models where its just your looks that you're working with.... you're going to be taking your clothes off for the camera, and its going to be all over the internet. If you want to be a star actress, you're probably going to have to sleep with a few big shots to get there. Its part of the gig. And if you're not willing to do that then you had better get back in school and study hard.

Shannon Click

I'm really not one to love being right, its more relief that I'm on the right track. The same as with these ladies having to be willing to go to ends others balk at to get into the limelight, I too have to find ways to make the system work for me, rather than against me as it always has, and so will you in any of your endeavors. Which makes it all the more important to know what you're facing and embrace it, rather than rail against it.

Julie Stegner

Whatever it is that you're doing, you can make it happen if you're just able to find ways to accentuate your strengths while limiting the exposure of the things you're weak in. The models here are a perfect example of that. These are mostly runway models, pretty faces, small skinny frames, big boobs and not much at all in the hips and ass area. So what do you see mostly? Cleavage shots and hair whipping.

Izabel Goulart

Bikini models on the other hand are going to show off more of the back end, use sexy poses to reveal their best assets. Magazines and professional photographers prove brilliant at being able to recognize a person's best attributes and leverage those in their work. Some of the ladies... there just isn't enough out there to work with. Others, like Izabel Goulart up top here, are able to pull it off so well that I actually had to restart my archives for later use because of the vast amount of material she has out there that's top of the line.

Caroline Winberg

Like always though, my point isn't to talk about half naked women and show off their photos, though it IS something I enjoy. Rather, its to illustrate something greater that affects us all and I'll explain....

This comes straight from the Art of War, but is applicable to every situation in life, especially career situations. In every scenario we have to look for the conditions of victory, exactly what is it that I want or am I trying to accomplish, or, what has to happen for me to win. And how will I know that its happened?

Once we know this, however, we have to then decide how far we're willing to go, how much we're willing to do in order to achieve that end result. If we have to do or give up more than we find worth it to achieve that victory then its time to walk away and find another battle to fight.
To walk out into a situation without knowing those conditions means you've already lost. That's how we get in over our head. That's how we get sucked into things we regret or can never live down. Yet its how most people go about their every day business of living their life.

As you go out there, know what you're getting yourself into, what you want to get out of it, and the price you're willing to pay in everything you do. To do it any other way will always lead to you getting fucked in the end. Sometimes literally.

But that's all for now.
Later People!

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