December 15, 2011

TAKE.... This broken wing....

This will be the last time that you hear from me before finally getting this cast removed from my left arm, and its about damn time!

Of course, now the real work begins.

Last night I was tracking the performance of what I do here and crossed the numbers on one of the articles.... it read 1701.... instantly one thing flashed across my mind...

And that's not the first time its happened, no, it happens every single time I see the numbers 1701, no matter where I see them, no matter the circumstance.

That's how powerful images are in our mind. That's the exact kind of association our brain makes with everything we encounter which dictates what we do in life. With this one in particular, its been trained into me for so long that the association is strong enough to occur every time.

Most of our wants and desires, most of how we think and act has been trained from our birth in this exact way, by our family, our friends, and especially..... from TV and Radio. We've all been collectively brainwashed to believe that this is the way life is now for generations....

Is it any wonder why us guys drool over women that look like this down below like Pavlov's dogs? Is it really any wonder why we put so much value on "things", rather than character? Or that, as an Occupy Wall Street protester told me... "Well.... we still want our things"?

Charity Hodges

That picture I grabbed of the Enterprise had a headline "Pentagon wants somebody to build Starship". Not only doesn't that surprise me, but I can't wait for it to happen. According to this article, we're going to be sending commercial flights to space by 2016 with the intent on eventually sending people to the international space station. There's every possibility that sometime in my life I'll be able to actually take a trip to the moon. How exciting is that?

The other day in London the Royal Family of Dubai was robbed at gunpoint, their Christmas money was stolen. That Christmas cash amounts to about 3 million bucks... must be nice, huh? 3 Million as your throw away cash for bits and bobs and spreading some holiday cheer. I wonder exactly how much holiday cheer that kind of capital finances, and I'm more than happy to take up the challenge of finding out if any of you feel the need to fund the operation. It would start like this....

The article cracked me up, not because they got robbed, but because of the getaway driver. When the police caught the guy he says to them, "Yes, OK, fair enough. Are you going to take me to the police station now because I'm a bit cold."

That right there pretty sums up every experience I've ever had with the English.

Speaking of every single experience I've ever had with a given group of people... this has been my experience with ever Frat Boy I've met, a Vermont U Frat asked members who they wanted to rape. Once you hit the real world you realize that other than partying, college is really all about the social networking, the connections that you make, the meeting of like minded people and helping each other "make it" later in life.

Can you imagine an entire organization of people that seriously entertain these kind of ideas? And they're out there. When I was at Oklahoma State a girl I was close with had to stop dating me... I wasn't part of one of the two frats that she was allowed to date guys from as a member of her sorority. That's no shit, real life stuff right there, actually happened.

These are the people that become career politicians. These are the people that run our country. Do you still wonder why things are such a mess out there?
As for who's running things, well, I still have my reservations as to exactly who that is, but President Obama thanked the troops and spoke about the official end to the war in Iraq..... yet 16,000 Americans are still going to be staying there.

Let's put that number into perspective here for a second, 4,400 soldiers were killed throughout the war, and we're going to be keeping 4 TIMES that amount of personnel stationed over there. 16,000 people is about what it takes to fill a major university. That's an entire college worth of people, a small city. That's not even counting the private, ahem, er... mercenaries... that will be there.

Putting our society into some clearer light again based on that.... 16,000 people can easily fit into Madison Square Garden. Three times as many people go to your average baseball game each night, five times that many people pack the average college football game every Sunday afternoon.

There will be more dirty hippies at a New Years Phish show than there will be running U.S. Operations in foreign affairs with a nation we we're just at war with and occupied for nearly a decade.

The idea today is to give you a bunch of things to think about. And you should really consider them, then get back to me.

While you put that into your pipe and smoke it, I'm going to get this arm thing taken care of. Until next time...

Later People!

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